Mountain Lion Hoax in Virginia
Mountain Lion (near Wise, VA)
This lion was hit between Cherry Reservoir Road and High Knob area (near Wise, VA) by a car. Game and Fish had to come and put him down. He charged at the Fish and Game guy in the process. Look at his PAWS!.
Bill Shaeffer and Frank Womack helped with the capture

Cougar Hoax in Wise County
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:44:04 -0400
From: Add Mobile Alert
Dear Harold,
The reported recovery of a cougar by VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries staff near Big Cherry Reservoir in Wise County is a hoax. The lion pictured was actually killed by a vehicle in Arizona earlier this year. The man in the photos is Arizona DPS Officer Ellico. Visit these links to see news stories written about these pictures that were revealed as hoaxes in West Virginia and Kentucky.
(scroll down to the bottom for the story on this url)
I don't know who Bill Shaeffer or Frank Womack are, but they don't work for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. If someone with DGIF had been called about this as was stated in the email, that person would have been Johnny Wills, Wise County District Biologist, or Tim Hayes, Wise County Conservation Police Officer. Neither responded to any such situation. As an additional bit of info, note the deer racks in the background of the first photo. They are mule deer racks.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Allen Boynton
VA Dept. Game & Inland Fisheries
Regional Wildlife Manager
Marion, VA
(276) 783-4860
Since I am originally from Wise Co., Va., I sort of believed the story because in 1943 I personally saw a Cougar in Stonega,Va. In 1980 I also came upon a young cougar at a place called Crest, between Exeter and Keokee Va.I was very surprised at the young one because it was a flat black color.By young, I mean about a year old.I have found cougar tracks in the snow and mud in that area.
anonymous = no credability
Just wondering How much did it weigh and what's the gender of the mountain lion and do you think there is anymore?
Did you not follow the links?
No lie. I played football for UVA-Wise last fall and one day up on the practice field i happend to look on the hill where the lake is up there and i saw what appeared to be a deer but it didn't run like a deer and i said that was a mountain lion or a bobcat and no one believed me. Then I was parking my car at the stadium one night around 10 or so and as i was walking back to campus i heard a loud screaming type of noise as i was walking. I knew that it wasn't human and from watching the discovery channel i knew certain "cats" made that noise so i ran the hell out of there. I am glad to see that i wasn't trippin and they finally found one... but I thank god that the mountain lion didn't find me lol
Good job! :)
Free Union, Va.
Our friend's neighbor hunting deer on his property.
Dragging his deer back to the house.
Left the deer and his gun at the edge of the woods about 200 yards from the house.
Returned to the deer, hours later and it was mangled.
He mounted a camera over the deer carcass.
Next day. The camera caught 3 moutain lions devouring the remains of the deer.
I thought that these big cats were solitary?
Must have been the female and 2 juveniles?
Amazing, i like this
waooooooooooo very nice
nice i really like this.
i was walking back to campus i heard a loud screaming type of noise as i was walking.
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