Ain't It just Amazing ???
The most amazing coincidence happened last night! It just blew my mind right out the back door. We had picked up a suspect that we had been looking for since early February. He had 2 felony and 2 misdemeanor indictments from Appalachia, 2 felony indictments from the county, and one felony indictment from the state. Of course all the way to the magistrate's office he kept wanting to know what he had done. He hadn't even been in those places much less done what he was charged must have been some other dude who was using his name.
Anyway...when we got to the magistrate's office there was a heated debate going on between a county deputy and his prisoner. Can you believe it...he didn't do it either. It was that same other dude who was using his name too.
I mean just think about it...what are the odds that you will have two innocent suspects under arrest at the same time in the same place and both were in their predicament because of the very same other dude?
Ain't it just amazing?